Silver Linings ~ 23 Jan 2013

Perhaps it’s appropriate that the film Silver Linings Playbook is getting so much traction in the award circuit. I’ve not seen it yet, nor read the script, but the title is fitting for our present transits.

It is true that Pluto and Uranus are still working a wide square in the sky and between them, aspecting the natal Eris of a huge amount of the people on Earth. Yes that’s a tense alignment all right as we see in global affairs. And many still forecast unprecedented mayhem. But look further. Not only is power-hungry Pluto square Uranus, Pluto also sextiles the stable, practical and grounded Saturn. Meanwhile, pesky, unpredictable Uranus simultaneously sextiles the grand and magnanimous Jupiter in option-oriented Gemini.

It sounds as if one looks for the silver lining, one might find it. Consider looking to...

Jupiter sextile Uranus:

Is welcoming to philosophical upgrades and innovations.

Embraces altruistic and humanitarian endeavors.

Provides a willingness to consider unusual pitches and proposals. Unorthodox thinking makes more sense than usual. Out of the box might actually be in the groove. Receptivity to new and innovative is at a maximum.

Is a time when science may sanction spiritual beliefs with a cosmic discovery.

Science and technology might offer amazing breakthroughs... consider the memory pace makers for the brain now in limited testing or using inkjet printer technology allows for “printing” of organs and tissue.

Inclusion of all peoples, creeds and particular social identifiers becomes mandatory consciousness.


When confronted with the unique, unusual and off kilter, see if it can be integrated into existing beliefs.

Spend time with your zaniest ideas, looking for a way to create a concept, develop a product or establish an earthshattering agenda.

Fancy your offbeat ways and inspirations, using those traits to create a philosophy of life that seeks out opportunities, grabs brass rings and is first to queue up in line for life’s next audition.

Develop a belief about spontaneity, opportunities and coincidences - even if you don’t believe in the latter.

Take a course in something far-thinking, unusual or something you always wanted to learn. There’s a reason Rosetta Stone language courses (Jupiter refers to things foreign and learning) are so heavily advertised on cable. Courses, online or in traditional institutions, in astronomy, meteorology, basic aviation, and astrology should be at a premium.

Oh yeah, choose to be included in your life in the way you believe best befits your dharma.

Pluto sextile Saturn:

Provides progressive, foundational changes in political, economic and corporate structures.

Dares to challenge long-standing, status quo beliefs that no longer work.

Encourages political leaders to think in terms of how things affect their descendants, not just party lines.

Strives to find real solutions for global economic problems.


Locate fears related to a commitment to large causes, the structure that makes things happen, or highly organized planning.

Dig deep into the psyche to locate the drive for power, prestige, large life impact, personal centricism.

Search for fantasies as to what it would look like if you achieved your maximum dharma.

Essentially Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto all aspect the natal position of the “I really need to be included in life” planet Eris for all born from 1940 through 1966. Those of you relative newbies on the planet, take notes and look ahead. By the end of May, Jupiter will have aspected the Eris of everyone born after 1966 through an idea enriching sextile.

Jupiter is particularly potent in this pattern because of his long standing understanding of the merits of Eris ability to create upheaval. At one point he enlisted the help of Eris to reverse the order of the heavens for just one day. While the Pleiades wept, other constellations found the silver lining in the grand galactic clouds lofting nearby. Perspectives renewed. Enthusiasm was restored. Goals were reset to further destinations and in general, a little topsy-turvy created at lot of good.

“How about it,” ask Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Pluto, “Time to find those silver linings?”